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Progression of digital competences in primary and secondary education
19-21, October, 2016 in Uppsala, Sweden


The goal of this workshop is to highlight, discuss and work with some of the challenges related to progression of digital competences in primary and secondary education. The program will address:

  • What different aspects of digital competences are relevant for primary and secondary education?

  • How can we achieve a progression in different aspects of digital competences over multiple years?

  • Experiences from schools who already work with progression of digital competences

NordNICE progress

CS progress in Sweden

NordNICE Workshop: Computational thinking in Practice in Primary Education – Halmstad, Sweden March 1-3, 2017


The goal of this workshop is to highlight, discuss and work with some of the practical aspects of introducing computational thinking in primary education.

The target audience is both the NordNICE partners and teachers interested in computational thinking in primary education.


The program includes visits to three schools that have been working with computational thinking and programming with their pupils and presentations of concrete activities aimed mainly at teachers.

Tools for teaching and learning programming
NordNice workshop in Aalto University
21-23, April, 2016 in Espoo, Finland


The goal of the workshop is to give participants an overview of available free educational software resources which supporting teaching and learning programming.  The program will address:

  • Challenges of learning programming

  • Categories of learning tools (software) to support learning programming

  • Getting hands-on experiences of using some tools

  • Discussing best practices how the tools can be integrated into K12 education

KICKOFF meeting
Vilnius 04-05 July 2015


Introductory topics: 

CS teacher…

Teaching scope…

Who is a good CS teacher?

Teaching context

Who is the student of CS?

Other questions?

NordNICE partners meeting and teacher workshop
8 – 12, December, 2015 in Druskininkai, Lithuania


Workshop in conjunction with the International Doctoral Consortium on Computer Science Engineering Education Research to gather key stakeholders, school teachers, teacher trainers, researchers and develop, in co-design, a joint understanding of what teaching computing and computation thinking involves in the educational levels K-12 based on existing standards and curricula.


35 teachers from Lithuanian schools will be invited to participate in two days workshop focused on methods for teaching computing at schools combining research results with best practice from schools.


NordNice workshop in Tartu University
22-23, May, 2017 in Tartu, Estonia



The goal of this workshop is to highlight, discuss and work with some of the practical aspects of informatics education in primary education.

The target audience is both the NordNICE partners and teachers interested in informatics education in primary education.

The program includes visits to four schools that have been working with computational thinking and programming with their pupils and presentations of concrete activities aimed mainly at teachers.

NordNICE coordinator Workshop: preparation of material for teacher training at 14-15, October, 2017Druskininkai, Lithuania

The NordNICE coordinator met at Druskininkai to prepare material for teachers to help integrate CS in primary education for partner countries. 



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