NordNICE at ISSEP conference
The groups of project coordinator participated in International ISSEP conference in Helsinki, Finland, November 13-15, 2017 project and presented the results of the NordNICE project. (
Primary school teachers visit to Turku University
The NordNICE project manager prof. Valentina Dagiene initiated the presentation of ViLLE – the Finish learning environment for students. She invited Turku University Informatics prof. Mikko-Jussi Laakso in June, 2017. He introduced ViLLE for the Lithuanian primary school teachers. Teachers found this learning environment to be interesting and useful for students. The possibilities and conditions for testing this learning environment in Lithuania were also discussed.
Lithuanian teachers were taught how to use this environment in workshops at October and November, 2017. Three Lithuanian schools Alytaus Dzūkijos basic school, Klaipėdos Gedminų pro-gymnasium, Vilniaus “Žiburio“ basic school had experimental lessons with students with ViLLE.
NordNICE workshop for primary school teachers
Representatives of school teams, several employees from the Center for the Development of Education and the Ministry of Education and Science, led by prof. Valentina Dagienė, participated in the trainings in Finland at 24-28 October, 2017. Participants visited Turku, observed lessons of grades 1-6, shared their experiences, and visited Turku University.
NordNICE at Computer Days – 2017 in Lithaunia
The NordNICE project manager with her team participated in the conference Computer Days in Lithuania.
Computer Days – 2017 (Kompiuterininku dienos – 2017) is a traditional biennial multi-event held on September 21–23, 2017 at the Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University, Lithuania, under the patronage of Kaunas city municipality.